aThe Scorpion

The Scorpion

THE SCORPION was an English language magazine of metapolitics and culture which appeared roughly yearly, each issue dealing with a particular subject (e.g., imperialism, ecology, regionalism) from a perspective opposed to modernism and globalism. We can be reached by email.

If you wish, you can download a pdf of Issues 1-19 (517 MB).

Or on a smaller scale, here are some articles from the most recent and past issues:

Issue 24

Presumptions of Democracy

  • "Democracy We Presume?" by Dominic Campbell. What is it, in theory and practice?
  • Reviews:
    • "Only Connect". A review by Dominic Campbell of Critiques Théoriques, by Alain de Benoist.
    • "Behind the Demos". A review by Andrew Webster of The French Revolution: A Study in Democracy, by Nesta Webster.
    • "Paint It Black", a review of Many Shades of Black: Inside Britain's Far Right, by John Bean.

Issue 23


  • "Justice: Who is She?" by Dominic Campbell. Crime and Punishment and the Meaning of Natural Balance.
  • Reviews:
    • "Happy Families". A review by Tony Glaister of The Politics of Human Nature, by Thomas Fleming.
    • "Peace of Resistance", a review by Dominic Campbell of Gandhi and Godse A Review and a Critique, by Koenraad Elst.
    • "Traditional Emancipation", a review by Troy Southgate of Man and Woman in Revolt against the Modern World by Baron Julius Evola.
    • "Being at that Time" a review by Paul Shepherd of Martin Heidegger: A Political Life, by Hugo Ott.
    • "Killing the Messenger", a review by Jared Taylor of Race, Intelligence and Bias in Academe, by Roger Pearson.
    • "Legendary Feasts", a review by Troy Southgate of Tyr- Myth Culture and Tradition (Volume 1, 2002).

Issue 22

Ecce Homo

Issue 21

The Darwin Inheritance

  • Editorial
  • "The Darwin Inheritance," by Dominic Campbell. A look at the issues involved in the unending "Darwin Debate."
  • "Ludwig Woltmann & German Darwinism," by Alain de Benoist. A look at the life and thought of an early proponent of social Darwinism.
  • "'Races do not Exist,'" by Charles Champetier. Scientific responses to a widespread sophism.
  • Readers' Symposium
  • "On the Wall" -- News Items from around the world.
  • Points Taken
  • "German Socialism as an Alternative to Marxism", by Dr. Alexander Jacob. The political thought of the "cultural pessimist" Oswald Spengler and the socialist writer Werner Sombart.
  • Manifestos
  • Reviews
    • "Back to the Future", a review of L’archeofuturisme, by Guillaume Faye.
    • Other reviews cover Civil War Two by Thomas Chittum, The Impulse of Power by Michael W. Kelley, Gabriele D'Annunzio by John Woodhousey, A History of Pagan Europe by Prudence Jones and Nigel Pennick, Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Post-war Fascist International by Kevin Coogan, Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman, and Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley.
  • "The Grape Vine," by Loki.

Issue 20

The Name of Frailty?

  • Editorial
  • "In Praise of Fair Women," by Dominic Campbell. A comprehensive and accepted view of the future role of Man and Woman in a future society is essential to anyone who rejects the modern world.
  • "The Case of Isaac Newton". Alexander Jacob points to a little known but influential source of philosemitism and egalitarianism in the man who explained the falling apple.
  • On the Wall
  • Manifestos
  • Readers Symposium
  • Reviews:
    • "Who's a Genius?", a review by Dominic Campbell of Hitler's Priestess, by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke.
    • "Right On!", a review by Christian Rogler of Deutschlands Rechte-Ordnungs und Gestaltungsauftrag, by Rolf-Josef Eibicht.
    • "The Man Behind It All", a review by Jim Harraway of Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, by James Lubinskas
    • "A Page in My Life," a review by Dominic Campbell of The Books in My Life, by Colin Wilson.
    • "Green Leaf", a review by Dominic Campbell of A Mirror of England, an Anthology of the Writings of HJ Massingham, by Dominic Campbell.
  • "The Grape Vine", by "Loki."

Issue 19

For an New Education

  • Editorial
  • "For a New Education", by Dominic Campbell.
  • "The Neo-conservative Reich of Edgar Julius Jung", by Alexander Jacob.
  • Manifestos
  • On the Wall
  • Readers Symposium
  • Reviews:
    • "Who's a Genius", a review by Mark Ashton of Schockley on Eugenics and Race, by Roger Pearson.
    • Review by Mark Ashton of The Social Meaning of Modern Biology from Social Darwinism to Sociobiology, by Howard Kaye.
    • "A Deeper Shade of Green", a review by Dominic Campbell of Environmentalism and Political Theory, by Robyn Eckersley.
    • "Where do you come from? Where do you go?", a review by Peter White of The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler.
    • "Do you Remember me?", a review by Jim Harraway of Diaries, by Alan Clark, and Storm Command, by General Peter de la Billiere.
    • "Teaching by Numbers", a review by Robin Waterfield of The Great Triad, by Rene Guenon.
    • "How right is right?", a review by Dominic Campbell of Enoch Powell: A Biography, by Robert Shepard.
  • "The Grape Vine", by "Loki."

Issue 18

The Power and the Glory

Issue 17

To Dream of Empires

Issue 15

The State?

Other Publications

The play "Hitler's Temptation" by Dominic Campbell, editor of The Scorpion, is available in paperback from for $12.50.
If you wish to support us, and are interested in any of the books we review (or any others), we suggest buying them through; a portion of the purchase price will go to The Scorpion.
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